Section 4 / Lesson 4 - Sequencing ideas
Below you will find questions to practice sequencing in IELTS Writing Task One. Using the study notes and the class video, you should be able to answer these questions to practice the language, and then be able to use the language in your IELTS writing test. The answers to all the questions are available to Patreon supporters as a means to support this website and Youtube Channel. Please find them here.
1. Fill in the gaps with a sequencing word that fits.
_________, the wind spins two turbine blades, which are connected to a gearbox. _________, unless the brake is engaged, the gearbox turns a shaft that transfers the kinetic energy into a generator. This converts the movement into electricity, which is then sent down and out of the turbine. _________, the voltage is upped in a transformer, which is located outside of the wind turbine, and it is then sent over a large distance. _________, the power is brought back to a safer voltage and it is transferred to people's homes.
2. Where can we use the 'after + present perfect + present simple' structure in this paragraph?
3. Where can you use before + ing in the above paragraph?