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Section 4 / Lesson 2 - Relative Clauses

     Here are all the answers to the questions about using relative clauses in your IELTS writing task one. Remember, if you have any questions at all, ask them on the Patreon forum. Thank you as always for supporting my efforts through your Patreon donations!


Split this sentence into two separate sentences


1. The wind pushes against the wind turbine's blades, which then rotate. 


Main: The wind pushes against the wind turbine's blades.

Extra information: The wind turbine's blades then rotate.


Put these two sentences together using 'which'.​


2. The gearbox is connected to the blades (extra information). The gearbox rotates the shaft that goes to the generator (main idea).


The gearbox, which is connected to the blades, rotates the shaft that goes to the generator.


Note: 'that' is also a relative pronoun. In this case, it is used to define which shaft we are talking about. This is different grammar, which we'll cover later.


3. The generator produces electricity (main idea). The electricity is sent through a high-voltage cable (extra information).


The generator produces electricity, which is sent through a high-voltage cable.


Note: In this example, because the two parts of the sentences happen in order, producing the electricity must come first. If it is not produced, it cannot be sent through the cable. 

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Put these two sentences together using 'where'.​


4. The high-voltage cable goes outside of the wind turbine. A transformer is located outside of the wind turbine.


The high-voltage cable goes outside of the wind turbine, where there is a transformer is located.


Note: The relative pronoun must follow what it is describing, in this 'outside the wind turbine'. As this is 'where', we follow it with a noun 'a transformer'. However, we can also use 'there is' following where. e.g. "The high-voltage cable goes outside of the wind turbine, where there is a transformer"​


5. The transformer is outside the wind turbine. The voltage is increased in the transformer.


The transformer, where the voltage is increased, is outside the wind turbine. 


Note: With this example, you need to be careful. 'Outside the wind turbine' is the obvious place in this sentence, but it isn't where the voltage increase happens. Here, 'the transformer' is the place, so we must put our relative clause inside the sentence using two commas. 


Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun. â€‹


The electricity, 6. which is now at a higher voltage, is sent through long-distance cables to the customer's local area. These cables supply a transformer in their neighbourhood, 7. where the voltage is decreased again. It is then sent through a local network of cables to a final small transformer, 8. which is located on the top of an electricity pylon. The customers, 9. whose electronic devices need access to 110 volts, receive the power directly from this transformer. 


Note: In question 9, the electronic devices belong to the customers. This is the least likely relative pronoun to be used in your answer. We also could write this sentence: "The customers, who need 110 volts for their electronic devices, receive the power...". 

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