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Section Three / Lesson Three - The Language of Change

     Below you will find 13 questions about writing sentences using both verb phrases and noun phrases. Using the study notes and the class video, you should be able to answer these questions to practice the language, and then be able to use the language in your IELTS writing test. The answers to all the questions are available to Patreon supporters as a means to support this website and Youtube Channel. Please find them here

Verb phrases  

1. Write three verbs that can we use to show an increase in something.


2. Write three verbs that can we use to show a decrease in something.


3. What two verbs can we use to show that something is moving up and down?





4.  Match the adverbs to the correct graph. Each adverb should match two graphs.


  1. quickly

  2. gently

  3. substantially 

  4. slightly


5. Write two more adjectives that are synonyms (mean the same) as each of these four words


6. Write a sentence about each of these four graphs using a verb and an adverb. Use the subject 'The number of people'.​

Noun phrases  

7. Convert these five past tense verbs into noun (with a, an, or no article). One of these verb cannot be used as a noun.


increased -  __ _________

grew - __ _________

fell - __ _________

rocketed - __ _________

surged - __ _________


8. Convert these four adverbs into adjectives 


  1. quickly

  2. gently

  3. substantially 

  4. slightly


9. Write a sentence using a noun phrase about each of the four graphs, assuming the numbers show 'the number of people'.





Verb and noun phrases together  

10. Put these words in order to create a sentence. 


     people gently number of The rose.


11. Put these words in order to create a sentence.


     number people increase a slow was in the of There. 


12. Write one more noun phrase and one more verb phrase that means the same as these two sentences. 


13. Write a noun phrase and a verb phrase to describe each section of this graph:


The graph below shows the average score of students between the years 2010 and 2025. 








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