Section 5 / Lesson 4 - Tense Choice When Describing a Map
Below you will find questions to practice describing locations of places when describing a map in your IELTS Writing Task One. Using the study notes and the class video, you should be able to answer these questions to practice the language, and then be able to use the language in your IELTS writing test. The answers to all the questions are available to Patreon supporters as a means to support this website and Youtube Channel. Please find them here.
1. Which tenses can you use for two past maps?
2. Which tenses can you use for one past map and one present map?
3. Which tenses can you use for one present map and a future map?
Fill in the gaps using the correct tense for the two maps given.
In 2010, there 4. ______ (to be) an open area in front of the hospital, with a ramp leading to the underground parking. This 5. ______ (to be) ______ (to remove) and the hospital 6. ______ (to be) ______ (to expand) out with four entrances leading into a new reception area. This now
7. ______ (to lead) visitors to the existing stairway. Most of the medical facilities on the floor 8. ______ (to remain) the same with the exception of a new surgery department next to the current imaging area.
Describing Locations
9. Edit this paragraph so it would work for two past maps
10. Edit this paragraph so it would work for a past and present map.