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Section 4 / Lesson 1 - The Passive Voice

     Below you will find questions to practice the use of passive voice in IELTS Writing Task One. Using the study notes and the class video, you should be able to answer these questions to practice the language, and then be able to use the language in your IELTS writing test. The answers to all the questions are available to Patreon supporters as a means to support this website and Youtube Channel. Please find them here

The passive voice form

Turn these active sentences into passive voice


1. The wind turns the blades.


2. The blades rotate the shaft that goes to the gearbox.


3. The generator produces electricity using the movement of the shaft. 


4. A high-voltage cable transfers the electricity to a transformer, which is next to the wind turbine. 


5. Can you turn this sentence into an active voice sentence? Why / Why not?


Electricity is sent over cables to the customer's local area. 


6. Can you turn this sentence a passive voice sentence? Why / Why not? 


Electricity flows over cables to the customer's local area. 

Transitive Vs. Intransitive Verbs 

Sort these verbs into transitive and intransitive.


7. to go

8. to grow 

9. to hatch

10. to emerge 

11. to appear 

12. to lose 

13. to shrink

14. to have

15. to form


16. Use each of the verbs to write a passive or active voice sentence about the example question.  

Tense choice 

Convert this active voice sentence into passive voice using the following tenses:


"The customers use the 110-volt electricity."


17. present simple 

18. past simple

19. future simple

20. present perfect

21. past perfect.

22. present continuous 

23. with the model verb 'can'


24. Fix the mistakes in the following paragraph:


Firstly, the egg hatches the tadpole which has gills. The tail is gotten bigger by the tadpole and then two legs are emerged. Following this, the frog was developed lungs which allow it to breathe air and live out of the water. The frog forms two front legs and the tail is shrunk. 

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