Section Three / Lesson Five - Analysing a Model Answer
Below you will find an example IELTS Writing Task One question which you can use to practice planning and answering. Using the study notes and the class video, you should be able to answer these questions to practice the language, and then be able to use the language in your IELTS writing test. The answers to all the questions are available to Patreon supporters as a means to support this website and Youtube Channel. Please find them here.

1. Which planning method would be best for this question?
a. Line by Line
b. By time
2. Plan your answer using the best method
3. Write an answer to this question using:
​A range of noun phrases and verb phrases
A range of prepositions to add detail to these phrases
A mixture of past simple and past perfect tense
A range of transitions to link your ideas together
Multiple different comparative structures
Before + Verb ... ing to link two idea together showing the transition of time.